The Ultimate Guide to Morning Pages

Morning Pages Guide

Morning Pages: How to Transform Your Life with a Simple Daily Practice

When preparing for a plant-medicine journey, adopting practices like meditation and journaling can help align your mind and body, clear mental clutter, and set the stage for a mindful and productive post-journey integration of your experience.

While traditional forms of journaling have their virtues, I encourage clients to explore Morning Pages—a simple yet powerful daily journaling practice popularized by the author Julia Cameron in her groundbreaking book The Artist's Way.

These daily morning pages, which aren't meant to be reread at a future time, have become a daily ritual for countless creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking mental clarity before they start their day.

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In this guide, I'll explore everything you need to know about Morning Pages, from how to approach them to the benefits they offer. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to deepen your practice, this comprehensive guide will set you up for success.

What Are Morning Pages?

Morning Pages are a form of free-writing done first thing in the morning. The idea is simple: grab a notebook and pen, and fill three pages with whatever comes to mind—completely unfiltered and judgment-free. The goal isn’t to produce polished writing--in fact, many practitioners will literally trash their pages as soon as they're written--but to clear the mental clutter and anxiety we we wake up with to access deeper thoughts.

Watch productivity author Tim Ferris talk about how he uses morning pages to uncover creative ideas.

The Benefits of Morning Pages

Morning Pages can be a game-changer for your mental, emotional, and creative well-being.

  • Mental Clarity: Sort through unresolved thoughts and identify solutions before you carry them into your day.
  • Creativity Boost: Tap into raw ideas by allowing your mental critic to air its grievences before you start your work day.
  • Stress Reduction: Journaling can improve mental health by clearing anxiety.
  • Discipline: A consistent morning habit creates ripple effects across your day.

How to Do Morning Pages: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Create Your Writing Environment:

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable spot where you won’t be interrupted.
  • Use a simple notebook and pen—avoid typing.

2. Follow the Rules: Write three full pages each morning (around 750 words). Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or coherence. The goal is to write freely.

3. Be Consistent: Write as soon as you wake up, before external influences flood your mind.

4. Overcome Resistance: Feeling stuck? Start with prompts like “What’s on my mind right now?” or “What am I grateful for today?”

Need some additional prompts? Read 100 morning pages prompts for a calmer, more creative mind to help you start.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

  • “I Don’t Have Time”: Start with one page and gradually increase. Writing for 10–15 minutes can still be effective.
  • “I Don’t Know What to Write”: It’s okay to feel blocked. Start with simple thoughts—even “I don’t know what to write.”
  • “I’m Too Critical”: Morning Pages are for your eyes only. Embrace imperfection and allow yourself the freedom to throw away your pages if that helps silence your critic.


Morning Pages offer a simple yet powerful way to improve mental clarity, unlock creativity, and build discipline. By committing to three pages of free writing each morning, you create space for new ideas, emotional growth, and a more focused life.